Alex Steinherr X Primark Skincare Review – Cruelty Free, Vegan & Affordable!

I’ve put this post off for the longest time. There was a huge buzz surrounding the Alex Steinherr (creative and long time Beauty Director) X Primark skincare collab when it first launched! My main issue with the line and what was putting me off talking about it for so long…for one it’s not stocked in […]

Dermaplaning At Home – How To & Does It Work??

Dermaplaning is the beauty buzz word of the moment and the hot topic on every makeup/ beauty pro and enthusiast alike’s lips right now! It’s been around for way longer than you think (way back in ancient times since makeup itself was even a thing…Cleopatra among others was apparently a fan!), but recently the likes […]

Pixi by Petra Glow Mist

So after the success of adding cult favourite, Pixi Glow Tonic (read more here), which is now a ‘can’t live without’ staple, to my skincare routine, I wanted to talk about another genius Pixi product that’s recently grabbed my attention…the Pixi by Petra Glow Mist (Available from Cult Beauty). A winter skin saviour and handbag […]