Worth The Hype? – Surratt Relevee Lash Curler (& A Good Dupe If You’re Feeling Less Spendy!)

I’ve not only spoken about the Surratt Relevee Lash Curler* before, but also the importance of lash curlers in general! Apart from those of you lucky enough to be born with luscious naturally curled lashes (damn you people!), in my opinion everyone benefits from the eye opening, lash lifting effect of a lash curler! For me […]

How To – Look Better In 5 Minutes!

Some of you might have already spotted if you follow me on Instagram (here if you don’t already) and watch my stories that I’ve been away again this week. Only over in Dublin (as per often) but I did some makeup shopping (as per often too, ha ha) and I’ve got a pretty big ish […]